SBGN notation:
Learning SBGN
Learner's Cards
SIF notation:
SIF Relations
SBML notation:
SBO terms mapping to CellDesigner notation
File > Samples: Open a sample model |
Double-click on node: Edit label |
Right-click: Context menu for associated object
Right click on selected edge: Add bend/control
point for edge
Ctrl/Cmd + drag on a node: Transfer a node in and
out of a complex/compartment/submap
Shift + drag: Box selection (select touched nodes
and included edges)
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + drag: Marquee zoom (zoom to
marked area)
Shift + click: Add/remove an element to/from the
current selection
Shift + taphold on node/edge: Select neighborhood
of node/edge (involved processes for PD maps)
Alt + taphold on node/edge: Select all
nodes/edges of this type
Arrow keys: Move selected nodes in arrow
direction; use Shift (Alt) for faster (slower) move